Company Overview:
emagine is a high-end professional services consultancy and solutions firm specialising in providing business and technology services to the financial services sector. We power progress, solve challenges, and deliver real results through tailored high-end consulting services and solutions. We have created a culture of openness and integrity by building genuine and strong relationships and partnerships, enabling us to be uncompromising in our dedication to delivering the optimal service for our clients. Our commitment is not just towards our clients but we aim to foster a positive and equitable working environment with our consultants and colleagues which stems from our core values: Confident, Dedicated, Responsible, Genuine.
Position Overview:
We are seeking an experienced and proactive Middle Office Business Analyst (BA) with a solid understanding of the trade life cycle, Middle Office operations, and strong stakeholder management skills. The ideal candidate will have a good understanding of trade validation, risk management, and post-trade processing, with a focus on ensuring seamless operations across the front, middle, and Back Office. While the role may involve some policy writing, the primary focus is on operational execution, issue resolution, and audit support.
Key Responsibilities:
Trade Lifecycle Management:
- Collaborate with the Front Office to ensure accurate trade capture and booking.
- Ensure trade details are enriched, validated, and properly reflected across the middle and Back Office systems.
- Monitor the progress of trades through various life cycle stages including confirmation, settlement,and post-trade processing.
- Work with risk teams to monitor risk exposure,collateral management,and P&L consistency.
Middle Office Operations:
- Facilitate the smooth execution of Middle Office processes ensuring timelyand accurate trade confirmations,reconciliations,and settlement tracking.
- Liaise with internal stakeholders to resolve any trade breaks or discrepanciesand ensure data consistency across systems.
- Manage trade reconciliation processes ensuring timely identificationand resolutionof any issues.
- Provide regular reporting ontrade status,risk exposure,and settlement activityto stakeholders.
Stakeholder Management:
- Act as a key liaison between FrontOffice ,BackOffice,risk,and other operational teams ensuring clear communicationand collaboration.
- Engagewith external counterpartiesand clientsfortrade confirmation,resolutionoftrade-relatedissues,andcommunicationoftrade lifecycle status.
- Support senior stakeholderswithtimelyupdatesandreports ontraderelatedissuesandinitiatives.
Audit & Compliance:
- Assist in preparationandsupportofinternalandexternal auditsrelatedtotradeprocesses ensuringthatalldocumentationisaccurateandtraceable.
- Ensure compliancewithregulatoryrequirements includingtransactionreporting,tradesconfirmations ,andsettlementprocedures .
- Workcloselywithcomplianceteamstoensureadherencetobothinternalpoliciesandexternalregulatoryframeworks(eg,MIFIDII ,EMIR).
- Prepareandmaintainaudittrails,traderecords,anddocumentationtosupportauditrequests .
Process Improvement & Policy Support:
- IdentifyareasforprocessimprovementwithinMiddleOfficeworkflows providingrecommendationstoenhanceoperationalefficiency .
- Whilenotprimarilyfocusedonpolicywriting assistwiththeimplementationandcommunicationofrelevantpolicieswithinMiddleOfficeensuringcomplianceattheoperationlevel .
- Ensurethatpoliciesrelatedtotradelifecyclesmanagement,riskcontrol ,andsettlementproceduresarefollowedconsistently .
Key Skills & Experience:
Trade Lifecycle Knowledge:
Strong understandingoftheend-to-endtradelifecycle fromtradecapturetopost-settlementincludingriskmanagementandreconciliationprocesses .
Middle Office Expertise:
DemonstratedexperienceinMiddleOfficefunctionssuchastradevalidation ,positionkeeping ,andriskreporting .
Stakeholder Management:
Provenabilitytomanagerelationshipswithbothinternalandexternalstakeholders withexcellentcommunicationandinpersonalskills .
Audit & Compliance Knowledge:
Familiaritywithauditprocesses,internacontrolsandregulatoryrequirementsinrelationtotradeoperations .
Problem-Solving Skills:
AbilitytoidentifyandresolveissuesproactivelywithinMiddleOfficeenvironment managingtradebreaksanddiscrepanciesefficiently .
Strongattentiontodetailwitheabilitytospot inconsistenciesorpotentialissuesin tradedataandprocesses .