
Data Scientist
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📅 Date Posted

Feb 04, 2025

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Strategy and Communications
Strategy and Communications sits at the centre of the organisation, bringing together several teams with organisation-wide remits and mutual collaboration opportunities. The work of the directorates teams includes delivery of major events, designing and leading public affairs or marketing campaigns, providing data, evidence and analysis, leading cross-organisational programmes, to making sure we plan for and can respond to emerging events or emergencies in our city.

About The Team
The City Data Team is made up of a range of technical experts in the fields of Data Science and Engineering, Data Visualisation and Information Design, GIS and Mapping, and Demographic Modelling and Analysis. The team sits alongside economist and social policy analysts within City Intelligence - a central unit of City Hall serving the Mayor, the London Assembly, the Greater London Authority (GLA) and London. Our chief purpose is to provide world-class evidence, analysis and tools for the Mayor and his team to formulate outcomes, strategies, policies and delivery plans in London and to help with their delivery. We aim to communicate an up-to-date understanding of London, its communities, its economy and its place in a rapidly changing wider world. We work with others to innovate and develop evidence-based policies, programmes and projects that will make a positive difference to LondonandLondoners.

About The Role
The GLA produces a range of demographic projections to meet the needs of plannersandpolicy makers across London. These projections are used to help deliver local services,
identify future infrastructure needs,and form a key partof theevidence base for Londons Spatial Development Strategy.The core purposeoftherole is to contribute totheongoing developmentofthe modelsandsystems usedto produceanddeliver
theprojections,to ensurethe bestpossible informationis availableto underpin decisions about housing,
education,and infrastructure,
that affectthe livesof millionsof people.

You will be working ontheteams currentprioritiesforthe models:
- Restructuringand refactoringourexisting(R) codebase tosimplifythe processofupdatingmodelsandproducingoutputs.
- Developingimprovements toe xistingmethodologiesusedto estimateandprojectindividualcomponents
ofpopulation changeandaccountforalternative assumptionsaboutfuture housingdeliver,jobs growth,and transportinfrastructure.
- Performinganalysisofretrospectiveprojections tobetterunderstandthestrengthsandweaknesses
- Improvinghowwe captureandcommunicateuncertaintyintheprojections.

What your day will look like
- Stand-up callwiththeteam toupdateonprogressandflagissues.
- Researchandassesspotentialmethodsforuseintheprojections,
producingashorttechnicalnoteofyours findingsforreviewbytheteam.
- Coordinatewithcolleagueswhoworkingtoupdateourdatainfrastructureandidentifychangestoexistingmodelcodenecessarytoadapt.
- Callwithuserstodiscusstheirrequirementsandreceivefeedbackonexistingoutputs.
- Contribute toa codeormethodologyreviewrequestedbyacolleagueinaneighbouringteam.

Skills Knowledge And Experience
To be consideredfortherole youmustmeetfollowingessentialcriteria:
- A highlevelofnumeracyandtechnicalknowledge,
- ProfessionalexperienceworkingwithRand/orPython,andtheuseofversioncontrolsystemsforcollaborativedevelopment.
- Abletoappropriatelyselectandapplyawiderangeofmodellingandanalyitcaltechniques torealityworld problems.
- Experienceinundertakingproject-basedworkadaptingtodeadlines producingcleardocumentationofcodeandasumptions.
- Abletocommunicatecomplextechnicalideastoarangeofaudiences.

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