GOSS Interactive

Application Support Technician
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📅 Date Posted

Feb 05, 2025

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Our Application Support team are the main point of contact for clients using our custom software, supporting those who have technical issues or queries. In this role you will be providing 1st line support and working towards providing more technical 2nd line support for our clients, mainly local government, who are using our platform to deliver vital services to their community. Initially you will be focussed on triaging new support tickets as they come in, assigning priorities, and providing advice or guidance where possible. We'll then train you to start completing in-depth analysis and investigation to identify cause or resolution of the issues raised. You'll work closely with your team and our software developers to ensure client's get timely responses and updates. Whether you're a customer service professional with a passion for technology, or a technical wizard with great people skills, in this role you'll quickly build an in-depth knowledge and understanding of our platform capabilities to support our clients and ensure that their needs are met efficiently. Our teams work with a high level of autonomy, so you'll need to be comfortable taking responsibility for your own workload and seeing things through to conclusion.

Full-time (Mon-Fri) | 1 year fixed contract | Hybrid (from our Plymouth based office) or fully remote (UK only)

Activities - Day to day:
- Reviewing new incoming support tickets, liaising with the client to ensure that sufficient information has been provided, and we understand the urgency and impact.
- Providing advice and guidance to clients who need assistance with the platform, mostly via email but sometimes also over the phone or Teams.
- Managing ongoing support tickets using Jira ensuring that we meet our SLAs.
- Advocating for clients by being a key communication contact and ensuring wider teams understand client needs.
- Monitoring ticket progress and proactively following up with clients and colleagues to ensure timely resolution and smooth workflow.
- Conducting in depth investigations into reported problems with the platform, identifying cause and next steps on issues through troubleshooting & testing.
- Recording details of your investigations and passing them on to our team of developers if needed.

Weekly, monthly, or less frequently:
- Identifying sales leads and training requirements; referring them to relevant internal colleagues.
- Providing maintenance along with sometimes minor configuration changes to the application.
- Working on internal team projects aimed at improving client success.
- Maintaining an adding content into our internal knowledgebase; sharing best practices updates or new skills with team members.
- Completing regular personal development which may include learning new skills or exploring new ways of working.

The Support Team
As part of our Support team, you'll be one of the first points of contact for all of our clients. Our Application Support team is part of our wider Client Services team which includes application support technicians, client success managers, consultants, trainers, technical authors,and network support technicians. Led by our Head of Client Services,we work closelywiththe Project Management,Sales,and Engineering teams:
- Ensure thatour client'sneedsaremetorexceededinthebestpossibleways contributingto maintainingourstrongclientretentionandrenewals
- Provideexcellentcommunicationforourclients ensuringtheyhaveaclearvisibilityofprogress throughoutthedurationoftheircontract
- Ensurethatourproductsaremaintainedeffectivelyandproblemsresolvedquickly
- Answercustomerqueriesandconcernsprovidingproactivesolutions
- Gatherinsightsandsharenknowledgeacrossthebusiness advocatingforourclientstoensureourproductscontinuetoimproveanddeliverexcellentvalueforourclients

Oursupportdeskoperatesfrom8am–6pmMon–Fri.Wedobesttoaccommodatepreferredworkinghourstosuiteachmemberoftheteam butsomeflexibilityisrequiredtocoverservicedeskoperatinghours.

Who We Are Looking For
We understand that experience comes in all shapes & sizes so if you believe thatyoucouldexcelinthisroleandhave transferableskills(evenifyoudon'tmeet every requirement below), we'd love tohhear fromyou:

You have demonstrable customer service experience.
You have excellent attention todetail.
You're confidentwithcomplextechnologyandexcitedtolearnnewskills.
You have strongorganisational&prioritisation skillswiththeabilitytotake responsibilityformultiplejobssimultaneously .
You'renotafraidtoaskquestions .
You area borntrouble-shooter! You loveto takeonnewtechnicalchallenges&thriveonlocating(andpossiblyfixing)problemsyoumayneverhaveseenbefore .
You candemonstrateexperienceofworkingwithweb-basedapplications&/orcontentmanagementsystems .
YouhaveexperienceusingJiraorasimilartoolbugtrackingsystems .
Youhaveabasicunderstandingofsoftwaredevelopmentconcepts includinganunderstandingofITsystems&networks .
Youcanlearn&understandnewsystems concepts,&processesquickly .
Youhaveaproventrackrecordofprovidinghighqualitycustomersupport .
You'reabletodemonstratestrongwritten&verbalcommunicationskills .
Youunderstandhowtothinkbeyondjustproblemresolutionbyactivelyidentifyingopportunitiesforimprovement .
You'realogicalthinkerwiththeabilitytofollowwrittenprocedures .
Simpleknowledgeofwebmarkup ,styling &dynamics(HTML,CSS ,JavaScript &usingbrowserdevtoolsfortroubleshooting).

We believe happy employees are keytoa jobwelldone &we recognizethatthereisnoonesizefitsallapproachtohappy.That’swhywedoourobsolutebesttoprovideflexibleworking opportunitieswhereverpossible.Thisrolecanbe fullyremote(UKonly),oryoucanchoosetoworkfromourspaciousPlymouthofficessomeorallofthetime.TheSupportDesk operates8amto6pmMondaytoFriday,thispositionisbasedon37.5hoursperweekworkingonarota.

Our full recruitment process canbefoundonourwebsite.Importantly:For thisrolewewillnotbeconsideringapplicationsthatdonotincludeacoverletterorsupportingstatementthatclearlysetsouthowyoumeetourpreferredrequirementsasdetailingabove.Ifyouareshortlisted,wemayalsochooseincludetaskaspartofthe selectionprocesswhichcouldincludeapresentation,writtentestora scenario-basedactivity.

Interview Details
Ifyou'resuccessful,we'lltheninvitetoyouaninterview.ThiscanbecompletedinpersonatPlymouthbasedofficeorremotelyviaTeams.Ourinterviewsarecompetencybasedandtendtolastaround60–90minutes.Pleasecontactusifyouneedapplicationforminanalternativeformatorifyourequireanyreasonableadjustmentstotheselectionprocessincludingthe interview(for examplephysicalaccess ,communicationsupport,personalsupport).

GOSS is proudtobeanequalopportunitiesemployer.Thismeansthatdecisionsconcerningrecruitmentwillbebasedontheneedsofthebusinessandnotanyassumptionsbasedonsex,race ,age disability,genderreassignment sexualorientation marriedorcivilpartnershipstatus,pregnancyormaternity,religionorbelief.Asanemployerwearecommittedtopromotingprotectingthephysicalmentalhealthwell-beingofallstaff.DuetothelargevolumeofapplicationsGOSSreceive;ifyouhaven'theardfromuswithin4weeksof applying,onthisoccasionitslikelythat youhavebeenunsuccessfulinyourapplication.

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